Indian Recipes - The Basics To Remember

While paraffin may be natural in that it's a petroleum-based wax it has been shown to be not so healthy & doesn't burn clean so I think we can eliminate this wax.

Cleaning up water is easy. Buy reverse osmosis or distilled water, or get a purifier using one of these methods for your home. Spring water is just someone else's tap water.

Bayberry wax costs about 4 times that of Beeswax. It takes 15 pounds of Bayberries to make one pound of wax. It has a warm, earthy fragrance reminiscent of newly mown hay, and dries to a lovely olive green color. A small amount can be added to other waxes to make them harder & impart its green color. This is a pro as there are no other natural colorants a2 desi ghee for hair candles apart from the yellow of the beeswax. All natural candles, that is totally natural candles, are white unless they have beeswax or bayberry wax added.

Making ghee is a simple process, taking about 20 minutes. Using one pound of good quality unsalted butter will yield approximately 10 to 12 ounces of ghee. I mention using good quality butter for good reason. Higher quality butter generally has a lower moisture content. Too much moisture in the simmering butter will result in large pops and bursts, sending boiling temperature butter all over the stove and you. Obviously, this is dangerous.

A related myth is the idea that an alkaline-forming diet requires you to become a strict vegan. Well, it is true that all types of meat, poultry, fish, and seafood are acid-forming. So are chicken eggs, and virtually all dairy products (except for ghee, or clarified butter). However, this does not mean you need to eliminate these foods completely. It just means the need to consume them in moderation.

Now, from the essentials of Indian cooking, let us go to the each region. An Indian recipe from the north will most likely use flatbreads such as parathas and chappatis. Lentils, vegetables, and yogurt-based marinades a2 ghee health benefits are also common. For West recipes, pickles and preserves are common. In the East, combinations of rice and fish are considered as staple food.

Pour off the ghee into a clean jar with a tight fitting lid. Place a metal spoon into the jar while pouring in the hot ghee, to absorb some of the heat and prevent the jar from shattering. Allow the ghee to cool before sealing and storing.

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